
API-driven VPS hosting for Monero, Bitcoin, and Bitcoin Cash.


The exchange ToS do not mention that it will ever request the user for a KYC verification.

Custodial wallet No personal information needed Strict no-KYC policy API available JavaScript needed
(updated 16 hours ago)
ToS Review ?

Automated, ai-driven monthly ToS reviews.

Last Check: 2024-05-03

Data sharing with authorities

The service states: "While we can claim that this is generally a privacy oriented service, we may not always have the resources to fight legal requests in court, and often must comply with law enforcement."

ToS section: "Privacy Policy / Privacy Guide"

Account termination/blocking

The service states under Acceptable Use Policy: "Any one of these actions that results in an abuse complaint to Digital Ocean will typically result in the termination of your server(s). We reserve the right to ban tokens involved with these actions, which means there will be no refund on remaining token balance for these behaviors."

ToS section: "Acceptable Use Policy"

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Transaction Monitoring

There is no explicit mention of SporeStack monitoring user transactions or cryptocurrency activities.

ToS section: "No specific section, could not find any relevant statements."

User Identification

The service states that no email is required to use their services, indicating user identification is not mandatory. Additionally, it mentions steps to remain private such as using Monero and avoiding providing identifying information.

ToS section: "Privacy Policy / Privacy Guide"

3rd Party Data Sharing

There is no explicit statement about sharing user data with third parties. The service mentions launching servers on providers like DigitalOcean, but does not state if user data is shared with them.

ToS section: "No specific section, could not find any relevant statements."


There is no explicit mention of logging user data, IP addresses, or transactions in the provided content.

ToS section: "No specific section, could not find any relevant statements."

Blocking of funds

There is no explicit statement about blocking or freezing user funds related to cryptocurrency.

ToS section: "No specific section, could not find any relevant statements."

Transaction flagging

There is no explicit mention of a system for flagging suspicious cryptocurrency transactions.

ToS section: "No specific section, could not find any relevant statements."

Matrix Comments ?

Beware of fake reviews and accounts. Verify user profiles and conduct your own research.